Categories: Scrotum

Pimple on Scrotum, White, Hard, Bump, Pictures Treatment

Pimple on scrotum can be very irritating, annoying and really discomforting. They may vary, in shape, color and other characteristics. Some are hard, others are soft. Others can be painful whereas others are painless.

Some of these bumps represent common conditions. Most are harmless, but in rare cases, some may be a sign of something serious. Unless you have them physically checked by a professional medical practitioner, it can be hard to clearly know whether or not the bumps are serious.

A painful pimple or lack of pain does not indicate whether or not the pimples are serious.  We recommend you have them checked out as soon as possible. This topic offers insight into some of the common causes of these pimples, symptoms, treatment and home remedies you can use at home.

Can you get pimple on your scrotum? – Causes

Just like on other body parts, it is possible to have pimple on your scrotum. These bumps can affect any man regardless of age. These lumps are common, most are harmless but can have different causes. Common causes includes:

1. Ingrown hair

Ingrown hair are bumps caused when hair curls and grows back into the skin after shaving. These bumps are common in people with coarse and curly hair. Though rare, these bumps may be accompanied by an infection.

These bumps are common in areas where the skin is shaved. They vary in size and can also be caused by lack of natural exfoliation in the skin. Common symptoms include itching and an irritating rash.

2. Poor shaving methods

The raised bumps on your scrotum can also result from poor shaving method. The bumps are part of the hair follicle since the scrotal skin is very thin, these pimples are often likely to appear raised.

Poor shaving or hair removal is a major cause of ingrown hair bumps not only on scrotum but also on other parts of the body with hair.

3. Jock itch

Jock itch or tinea cruris can develop when your genitals are infected with fungus. Jock itch is caused by excessive sweating which is why it is often associated with athletes.

Jock itch can also be caused by fungal overgrowth around genitals due to poor hygiene and obesity. It is often characterized by:

  • White or red spots
  • Circular red rash
  • Itchy small blisters
  • Dry, flaky skin around the genitals

4. Folliculitis

Folliculitis is simply the inflammation of the hair follicles. These inflammation are common and can occur on any part of the skin. This condition can result from both bacterial and fungal infections.

The bumps may at times look like small red bumps, then white-headed pimples around the follicles. Without proper care, the bumps can spread and turn into non-healing crusty sores.

5. Angiokeratoma

Angiokeratoma is a benign cutaneous lesion of capillaries. It results in small marks of red to blue color characterized by hyperkeratosis (when the outer layer of the skin is thickened).

6. STDs

In rare cases, scrotal bumps could also be a sign of sexually transmitted disease such as herpes. These bumps could also be a sign of genital warts. Warts are hard lumps on scrotum skin. They may look fleshy but often start developing as small pimples or zits around the genitals.

Genital warts and genital herpes are often characterized by painful growths that are often filled with pus and other fluids.

Large pimple on scrotum

A larger pimple on the scrotum is often atimes a sign of testicular cancer. This is however not always the case. A proper medical diagnosis may be required to diagnose and confirm whether the bump is benign or cancerous.

Testicular cancer occurs in the testicles. This form of cancer is rare compared to another form of cancer. Statistics show that testicular cancer is common in American males between the ages of 15 and 35.

This cancer can be shown by the following signs and symptoms:

  • A feeling of heaviness in the scrotum
  • Enlarge or tender breast
  • A lump or enlargement in testicle
  • Collection of fluids in the scrotum
  • Back pain

To minimize the risk of testicular cancer complications, most doctors recommend regular testicle self-examination to identify cancer at its earliest stages. Not all doctors, however, agree with this.

Blood pimple on scrotum

Angiokeratoma are benign cutaneous lesion of the capillaries. These bumps often result in small marks of red to blue bumps characterized by the thickening of the outermost layer of the epidermis. This is often associated with the presence of an abnormal quantity of keratin.

Angiokeratoma which appears as blood pimple may start to bleed as a result of dilated veins which increase the risk of picking up an infection.

The exact cause of these bumps are unknown but medical researchers link them to conditions such as venous hypertension, hydrocele or benign prostatic hypertrophy.

Hard White pimple on my scrotum

Hard white pimples on scrotum can be a sign of a lot of things. The bumps could be a sign of something you were born with or result from other conditions such as poor hygiene or a sign of an underlying medical condition.

When occurring in your scrotum, hard white pimples can be any of the following:

A pillar cyst

A pilar cyst can develop when hair follicle get filled with keratin. Keratin is a protein that makes up your nails and hair. This is what causes a white or a red pimple to appear not only on the scrotum but also on other parts where the follicle is.

Pilar cysts are common in areas of dense hair. This includes areas like your scalp and the scrotum. The pimples often appear in clusters. They swell when infected, making them large, painful and more irritating.

Fordyce spots

Fordyce spots are hard white bumps that occurs when the sebaceous glands become enlarged and appear as tiny whites spots. Sebaceous glands help moisturize your skin.

Fordyce spots are harmless and can appear almost anywhere on your body. Most people are born with these bumps but they may not appear until you go through puberty. In most cases, your health care will not recommend treating them unless you want them removed.

If these bumps are bothering you, then your treatment option may include laser removal, topical creams and micro-punch surgery where your doctor will use a device to poke through your skin and remove the tissue causing the spots.


Hard bumps can also be a sign of folliculitis. This condition occurs when your hair follicles become inflamed and infected. The swelling often results from fungal infection, bacterial infection or ingrown hair.

These bumps are harmless but at times they can be very itchy, painful and irritating. Over the counter, antibacterial and antifungal creams can be used as first-line treatment. If the condition fails to clear, see your doctor who may prescribe strong antibiotics.

Ingrown hair bump

Ingrown hair on the scrotum is a common cause hard pimples on the scrotum. These lumps occur when shaved hair curls and grow backward into your skin. The bumps are often irritating and could lead to an infection.

Avoid popping, scratching or draining these bumps least you worsen the infection.

Genital warts

Genital warts are bumps caused by herpes a viral infection. Herpes infection is often marked by white or red bumps.  Other symptoms will include irritation, itching, and painful blisters that burst and release pus.

Urgent medical diagnosis and treatment are required if you notice any of the above symptoms. After diagnosis, your doctor may prescribe antiviral medication to help fight the infection. Most of these medications d not prevent future outbreaks but can help speed up the healing of the infection.

Pimple like bump on scrotum

When occurring on other parts of the body such as on face, neck, or chest, the pimples are often as a sign of acne. Acne is a skin condition often marked by red itchy pimples on skin. Acne is common among adolescents and is often due to inflammation and infection of the sebaceous glands.

Acne pimples can also appear on scrotum and around the genitals. Apart from acne, pimple like bumps can also result from allergic reaction, bacterial infection among other conditions. If you are not sure what the cause of the bumps is, we recommend you have them check out by a medical doctor as soon as possible.

Itchy pimple on scrotum

Itching is one of the most common symptoms that often accompanies pimples, cysts, bumps and lumps around the genital not only in men but also in women.

Jock itch is a common cause of itching. Jock itch is a fungal infection common in men and adolescent boys. The infection causes a rash that itches and burns. With this condition, the infected area may be red, flaky or scaly.

Small red pimples on scrotum

As already seen, there are different conditions that can result in small or large pimples on scrotum. It is important to understand that pimples develop when dead tissues, excess sebum, and dirt get trapped inside the hair follicles. This is what forms the bumps.

Accumulation of these substances allows bacteria to grow and fill the pore with infected pus. It is the infected pus that makes the head of the pimple appear red or white.

Small pimples are often harmless, but you should not pop, drain or scratch these bumps to minimize the risk of infection or spreading them to other parts of the skin around your genitals. Scratching the bumps can also lead to permanent scars which can be very detrimental to your self-esteem thus affect your sex life.

Painful pimple on scrotum

Painful pimple on scrotum can affect your normal day to day life. In most cases, this is often a sign of something serious that needs to be checked as soon as possible. Proper diagnosis and treatment can help prevent and minimize the risk of complications.

Often times, painful pimples can be caused by:

  • Testicular torsiona condition caused when the testicles twist around in the scrotum. When this is the cause of the bump, urgent medical treatment may be required. This condition is common in newborn, and young children.
  • Haematocele, this is caused when blood collects around the scrotum. This bumps can be very painful and often result from an injury.
  • Epididymo-orchitis, epididymitis is the inflammation of the epididymis whereas architis is the inflammation of the testicles.  The inflammation often results from urinary tract infection and STDs.

Pimple on scrotum pictures

Below see pictures of pimple on scrotum. They are meant to give you a visual aid and improve the understanding of this condition.

Pimple on scrotum treatment

Treating a pimple on testicle sac will often vary depending on what the underlying cause or causes are. The options may also vary with symptoms and other characteristics of the bump.  Common treatment options will often include:

  • Oral and topical antibiotic creamespecially in cases where the undying cause of the pimples is a bacterial infection.
  • For painful or inflamed pimples, corticosteroid creams or injectionmay be prescribed.
  • In cases of large bumps, your medical practitioner may recommend a surgical procedure.In this procedure, a small incision is made on the surface of the skin after which sebum, pus, and blood are drained from the bump

How to get rid of pimple on scrotum

Apart from the treatment options above, there are effective remedies you can use to get rid of pimple on scrotum. Below are some effective remedies you can use at home to soothe the itching, irritation, pain and speed the healing process of the bumps.

Some of the remedies can be irritating to the skin, so you might want to try them on a small part of your hand before applying it over your scrotum. The scrotal skin is one of the most sensitive skins of the body.

1. Aloe vera

Aloe Vera is one of the most effective home remedies you can use on an itch or irritating skin. Aloe Vera has great antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-itching properties. In cases of open wounds, Aloe Vera can also help speed up the healing process.

  • Gently clean your scrotum with lukewarm water
  • Pat the area dry using a clean towel
  • Then gently apply Aloe Vera gel, leave it on
  • You will need to do this at least twice a day

2. Apple cider vinegar

Applying ACV is also a great way to soothe the symptoms of pimples on scrotum.

  • Mix some drop of white vinegar or ACV with equal amount of water
  • Soak a clean cotton ball in the mixture and apply it to the pimples
  • Do this at least twice a day

3. Witch hazel

Witch hazel is also an effective remedy you can use to get rid of itchy, painful and irritating bumps on scrotum. These herbs are believed to be an excellent astringent. The remedy tightens the skin pores, thus help prevent the chances of developing acne pimples.

4. Castrol oil

To soothe the itch and the inflammation often accompanying the pimple or bumps on scrotum, applying castor oil can be all you need to do. Castrol oil contains ricin a chemical rich with anti-bacterial properties.

If you have to use these remedy,

  • Using a clean cotton ball or towel, gently apply the oil on the pimples
  • Leve the oil on for some minutes before rinsing it off
  • Alternatively, you can apply a warm compress after applying the Castrol oil

5. Warm compress

In cases of sebaceous cyst, ingrown hair bumps or folliculitis bumps, a simple warm compress can be an effective way to soothe the itching, relieve the pain, get rid of the inflammation and speed up the healing process.

All you need to do is:

  • Soak a clean towel in warm water
  • Squeeze to get rid of excess water
  • Then gently place it over the cysts, bumps or lumps on your scrotum



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