Hard Pimple on Scrotum

Pimple on Scrotum, White, Hard, Bump, Pictures Treatment

Pimple on scrotum can be very irritating, annoying and really discomforting. They may vary, in shape, color and other characteristics. Some are hard, others are soft....
Pictures of Scrotal Swelling

Scrotal Swelling: Causes, Symptoms, Scrotal Edema and Treatment

Having an enlarged scrotum? A scrotal swelling can be painful and cause a lot of discomfort. This article provides an insight into the causes...
Dark Spots on Penis

Black Spots on Penis: Causes, Treatment, How to Remove

Black spots on penis or scrotum are usually not a cause for concern. The dark spots are caused by a condition known as angiokeratoma...
Ingrown Hair on Scrotum Picture

Ingrown Hair on Scrotum, Testicle Sack, Pictures, Causes, Get Rid, Treatment

What causes ingrown hair on scrotum? Ingrown hair by definition is a condition where hair curls back or grows sideways into the skin. It...
Ingrown Hair on Scrotum Picture

Rash on Scrotum, Sac, Inner Thigh, Causes, STD, Pictures & Treatment

Rash on scrotum causes changes in the skin of the testicles thus affecting its appearance, texture or color. There are several reasons that would...